Top 5 Bioware Games of the Past Decade

There have been a lot of fantastic Bioware games in the past decade that has made the developer a true titan of the industry. Here ill talk about the top five games of the industry and what qualities made these games rise above the rest. 

5. Jade Empire

This Original Xbox game was a stand out among the rest when it first came out. Set in ancient China you play as a student of a master that has been kidnapped by assassins of the Empire who seem to have betrayed the Emperor. The fighting in this game, the story is rich and full without being to overbearing with detail, and each support character you are given is unique and adds something new to the game. Whether it be Dawn Star, your best friend with a  mysterious past, or Henpecked Hou the once great fighter now made coward by his overbearing wife. This was a great game that i wish either had a HD Remake for the 360 or a sequel was made.

4. Mass Effect 1 

  The Mass Effect series started out with a bang, creating a whole new universe for gamer’s to explore and this one was so good that it spawned a trilogy that created a powerhouse. MY fondest memories were playing Commander Shepard and shooting Geth down from the ceiling and again the support characters make the experience even greater. Also this is one of the first games i ever plated that included romance, so the player could get closer to the characters. Bioware also broke a few walls by having the possibility of same sex romance which i commend them on. 

3. Star Wars The old Republic 

The world was clamoring after the successful launch of Bioware’s Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic and were looking for the next part of the story. The fans waited almost a decade for Bioware’s answer and it came in the form of an MMO, a unexpected turn of events.Now players to take part in the ancient struggle of the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.The different classes you can choose from also offer a unique story experience for the players.

2. Dragon age Origins 

This was one of the first games i ever bought with my own money and it was well worth the effort. The combat was fantastic, the story was one of the best ever written and again Bioware outdid themselves by giving the player multiple Origin stories to choose from, thus the name. What really drew me i though was the romance you could pursue with Morrigan and the effects that could have later on in the game. How the player interacted with all the characters would ultimately effect the ending of the game, or at least what happened to the characters after the final boss was defeated.

1. Star Wars Knights of The old Republic

This is the game that really brought Bioware into the true world of game development. This game was a Star Wars game that a lot of the community were waiting for and it was art. Simpy art. Playing as a Jedi never felt so overpowering and gamer everywhere can agree that wielding a lightsaber felt satisfying. The story was how you wanted it to unfold, did you want tot be the Jedi that saved the galaxy from the Dark Side, or will you conquer all life as the One True Dark Lord of the Sith? Characters will join or betray you based on your actions and some will even kill friends to follow you. this game was both emotional and perhaps a spiritual experience and is a definite recommendation to all those who wish to know how BioWare makes games.



One thought on “Top 5 Bioware Games of the Past Decade

  1. I always thought that Star Wars: The Old Republic was an underrated game by players – the critics loved it, but folks did not flock to it – mebbe the pressure from WoW was too much at the time?

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