Why Disney Needs Darth Bane

As many may or may not know, Disney is lining up Star Wars after Star Wars movie until the end of time. Everything from a young Han Solo and Boba Fett, even a Yoda movie is being considered. I am a huge fan of the Star Wars movies and lore so I am not against these in general. However, there is one movie that I truly believe Disney should explore. It would take some creative imagining on their part but this would be a perfect movie to do. This movie would be set around a thousand years before the prequels, a time where Jedi were actual generals and were fighting a true galactic war against the Sith. This movie is Star Wars: The Rule of Two.

For those of you who are fans but don’t know what the Rule of Two, it is the doctrine of the Sith stating that there can be only two true Sith in the entire galaxy. A master and an apprentice. This rule is instrumental to the lore of the movies and it is hardly explained. We get a quick reveal of it in the Phantom Menace, but the rule is never explained. Why can there not be any more than two Sith? Before anyone points out the Inquisitors from the Rebels TV show, let it be clear that they are not Sith. They are trained in the Dark side but they are not True Sith. Only Darth Vader and Sidious are the True Sith in the galaxy.  To introduce the general public to the answer of the question above, a movie would be a great device for a few reasons.

One, it would be set in a completely different time period. The Star Wars movies thus far have been told in around a 75 year period which we have had seven movies and a cartoon series to get to know. This movie (or movies) would be set in a time period unexplored by cinema. This would allow for creative freedom in many different areas. We can also see Jedi as actual generals, leading armies and holding keeps. We can see epic lightsaber battles and the Force being flung left and right. This could be the refreshing break we could have from the main continuity of the Main Story.

Two, the main character would be a Sith. We haven’t had a Star Wars movie where the main character is a Dark Side user. An argument could be made that we had this in Anakin, but this character would be completely different. Where as Anakin was struggling with the Dark Side, Darth Bane, who created the Rule of Two, was trained as a Sith. Rather than follow a Jedi’s fall, we could see a man be molded by the Sith Code and become the one who helps his kind shape a galaxy.

Third (related to the second) we get to see a man’s actions affect the galaxy. Minor spoilers ahead. Darth Bane was the Dark Side chosen one. He was the one to bring the Sith to power. Seeing him doing that, to arrive at the system of thinking to create the Rule of Tow would be both exhilarating and thought provoking. His decisions would lead to change almost a thousand years later. To see a movie and then connect it with the Main Story would make a much more successful movie than a Yoda or Han Solo movie.

In closing, I believe this movie would be a great creative choice by Disney. Taking the franchise to a place it hasn’t gone cinematically before might seem like a risk but if marketed correctly, this could be one of the next big. Now I leave you with the Sith code

Peace is a Lie, There is only Passion

Through Passion, I gain Strength

Through Strength, I gain Power

Through Power, I Gain Victory

Through Victory, my Chains are Broken

The Force Shall set me Free